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Pyrite - Peru

Pyrite - Peru

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Pyrite - Peru

Dimensions: 25x28x27mm

Weight: 71g

SKU: MS148-2

Pyrite, commonly known as "Fool's Gold," from Peru is renowned for its metallic lustre and striking golden hue. Prized for its well-formed crystal structures, which often appear as cubes or octahedrons, Pyrite from Peru is a favorite among collectors and enthusiasts. Its bright, shiny appearance and high quality make Peruvian Pyrite a standout specimen, showcasing the fascinating diversity of mineral forms.

Scientific Insights:
Chemical Composition: Pyrite is an iron sulfide mineral with the formula FeS₂. Its metallic sheen and golden color are due to its high iron content.

Mohs Hardness: Pyrite has a hardness of about 6 to 6.5 on the Mohs scale, which is relatively hard among sulfide minerals.

Specific Gravity: The specific gravity of Pyrite is approximately 5.0, reflecting its dense composition.

Crystal System: Pyrite crystallizes in the cubic system, often forming perfect cubic, pyritohedral, or octahedral shapes.

Formation and Locality: Pyrite is commonly found in a variety of geological environments, including sedimentary, metamorphic, and igneous rocks. The deposits in Peru are particularly known for producing Pyrite with distinct and well-formed crystal structures.

Metaphysical Aspects:
In metaphysical practices, Pyrite is often associated with wealth, abundance, and protection. It is believed to promote positive thinking, boost energy levels, and shield against negative influences.

Peruvian Pyrite is not only a visually impressive mineral but also a symbol of natural beauty and strength. Its characteristic golden sheen and geometric perfection make it a fascinating addition to any mineral collection or as an eye-catching decorative piece.


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