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Zeolite var. Okenite w/ Blue Chalcedony - Maharashtra, India

Zeolite var. Okenite w/ Blue Chalcedony - Maharashtra, India

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Zeolite var. Okenite with Blue Chalcedony - Maharashtra, India

Dimensions: 47x33x16mm

SKU: MS067

Okenite with Blue Chalcedony, a distinctive Zeolite variant from Maharashtra, India, is highly prized for its unique combination and contrast of textures. Okenite is known for its soft, fibrous crystal clusters, often resembling cotton balls, while Blue Chalcedony adds a soothing, blue hue, creating stunning visual harmony. This mineral duo from the rich Zeolite deposits of Maharashtra showcases the region's geological diversity and abundance.

Scientific Insights:
Chemical Composition: Okenite is a hydrated calcium silicate, with a formula of CaSi₂O₅·2H₂O, while Blue Chalcedony is a form of silica, composed of microscopic quartz crystals. This combination results in a fascinating interplay of crystal structures and colours.

Mohs Hardness: Okenite is relatively soft, with a hardness of about 4.5 to 5 on the Mohs scale, whereas Chalcedony is harder, around 7.

Specific Gravity: The specific gravity of Okenite is approximately 2.3, typical for silicate minerals, while Chalcedony has a slightly higher specific gravity, reflecting its quartz content.

Crystal System: Okenite crystallizes in the triclinic system, forming fibrous, fluffy aggregates. Blue Chalcedony, being a form of quartz, crystallizes in the hexagonal system.

Formation and Locality: Both minerals are commonly found in the basalt regions of Maharashtra, formed in the cavities and veins of volcanic rocks. The area's rich volcanic history has led to a variety of unique mineral formations, including this striking combination.

Metaphysical Aspects:
The combination of Okenite and Blue Chalcedony is believed to bring calmness, clarity, and spiritual insight. Okenite is often associated with truth and self-forgiveness, while Blue Chalcedony is thought to enhance communication and promote harmony.

This unique pairing from Maharashtra is more than a mineral specimen; it's a symphony of natural artistry. Its blend of scientific interest, aesthetic allure, and metaphysical properties makes it a fascinating and valuable addition to any collection.


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