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Columnbar Calcite - Xia Yang Mine, Fujian, China

Columnbar Calcite - Xia Yang Mine, Fujian, China

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Columnar Calcite - Xia Yang Mine, Fujian, China

Dimensions: 41x24x22mm

Weight: 17g

SKU: MS150

Columnar Calcite from the Xia Yang Mine in Fujian, China, is a remarkable and visually striking mineral. Known for its unique column-like formations and translucent to opaque texture, this variety of Calcite is highly sought after for its aesthetic appeal and distinct crystal habit. The Xia Yang Mine is renowned for producing some of the most exceptional Columnar Calcite specimens, highlighting the diverse mineral wealth of the region.

Scientific Insights:
Chemical Composition: Columnar Calcite is composed of calcium carbonate (CaCO₃). Its clarity and structure are influenced by the purity of its composition and the conditions under which it formed.

Mohs Hardness: Calcite, including the columnar variety, has a relatively low hardness of around 3 on the Mohs scale, indicating its soft nature.

Specific Gravity: The specific gravity of Calcite is typically around 2.71, which is standard for carbonate minerals.

Crystal System: Columnar Calcite crystallises in the trigonal system, often forming elongated, column-like structures that showcase its natural beauty and geometric precision.

Formation and Locality: The Xia Yang Mine in Fujian, China, is known for its rich deposits of Calcite, including the columnar variety. The unique geological conditions of this mine allow for the development of these striking and well-defined Calcite formations.

Metaphysical Aspects:
Columnar Calcite is believed to have properties that aid in clarity of thought and amplification of energy. It is often associated with cleansing and revitalisation in metaphysical practices, making it popular for those seeking to enhance mental clarity and emotional healing.

The Columnar Calcite from Xia Yang Mine stands as a testament to the intricate and diverse formations that minerals can achieve. Its striking appearance and metaphysical properties make it a cherished addition to any collection or as an elegant decorative piece.


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