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Sparkly White Aragonite/Calcite - Buena Tierra Mine, Chihuahua, Mexico

Sparkly White Aragonite/Calcite - Buena Tierra Mine, Chihuahua, Mexico

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Sparkly White Aragonite/Calcite - Buena Tierra Mine, Chihuahua, Mexico

Dimensions: 104x90x78mm

Weight: 429g

SKU: MS085

Sparkly White Aragonite/Calcite from the Buena Tierra Mine in Chihuahua, Mexico, is a dazzling mineral known for its shimmering, crystalline appearance. This specimen, with its intricate formations of either Aragonite or Calcite, is cherished for its aesthetic appeal and the unique textural qualities it exhibits. The Buena Tierra Mine is recognized for producing these exquisite minerals, adding to the region's rich mineralogical legacy.

Scientific Insights:
Chemical Composition: Both Aragonite and Calcite are forms of calcium carbonate (CaCO₃), but they differ in their crystal structure and formation conditions. The presence of these minerals in a single specimen makes for a fascinating study in mineralogy.

Mohs Hardness: Aragonite has a hardness of 3.5 to 4, while Calcite is slightly softer, around 3 on the Mohs scale. This makes them relatively soft minerals, requiring careful handling.

Specific Gravity: Aragonite and Calcite have similar specific gravities, around 2.7 to 2.9, typical for carbonate minerals.

Crystal System: Aragonite crystallizes in the orthorhombic system, often forming needle-like crystals, whereas Calcite crystallizes in the trigonal system, known for its rhombohedral and scalenohedral crystal forms.

Formation and Locality: The Buena Tierra Mine in Chihuahua, Mexico, is known for its diverse mineral deposits, including Aragonite and Calcite. The mine's geological conditions are ideal for the formation of these minerals, often found in hydrothermal veins and as secondary minerals in limestone.

Metaphysical Aspects:
Both Aragonite and Calcite are believed to carry metaphysical properties. Aragonite is often associated with grounding and centering, whereas Calcite is believed to aid in cleansing and revitalizing energy. Together, they are thought to harmonize the flow of energy within a space.

The Sparkly White Aragonite/Calcite from Buena Tierra Mine is not only a visual treat but also a specimen of great mineralogical interest. Its delicate formations and sparkling appearance make it a desirable piece for collectors and those who appreciate the subtle beauty of minerals.


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